


Hi! It's been just seventeen weeks in your mother's womb and yet your Mom and I can't seem to wait a week longer. No rush. Take your time. Develop well and hold on to your Mom until it is the right time. As you may know, both your Mom and Dad are firstborns. It's not an easy task to do

Be always responsible. Regardless of whether you'll grow up to be good or bad, your siblings will look up to you. Always show them the right path. They may not always follow the path you choose but they won't stray far from it. So you have to make sure that you choose your path carefully. 

Follow your Mom and Dad always. You might not be the most fun person after doing that but it pays off later in the future. There is always a little sacrifice being the eldest but the rewards are great. Remember you are Mom and Dad's Lieutenant in the house. 

Read a lot. In this day and age, it's easy to get information over the internet but nothing beats the good ole' book. Mommy knows a lot of nursery rhymes while Dad knows a lot of classics. Start with those books. Reading good books helps you develop not only into a good boy but into a man with strong principles. 

Pray everyday. Believe that there is a God. In the future your beliefs might be challenged but stay strong. Ask God not only for blessings but that His will guide your life. Never is Dad's faith stronger than the time he first heard your heartbeat. Remember you are GODSEND.

Be always prepared. Life may always take an unexpected turn so always be prepared. Be mentally and psychologically strong. Always have a lot of patience especially with your siblings. Learn to plan ahead as early as possible. It might seem a lot to ask but we know you can do it because you are our son. 

Veni. vidi. vici., 

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