
Week 7! (and Baby's First Picture)

Dear Baby,

It has been almost 2 weeks since we found out you were in Mommy's tummy. It has been an exciting and eventful time for Daddy and me. When we found out about you, you were already 7 1/2 weeks "old"! What a busy baby you must be, growing inside Mommy!

Here's your first picture taken from our first ultrasound:

I'm trying to keep track of your development. Here's what's supposed to be happening with you this week:
Now about 1 cm long, the size of a grape, your baby has distinct, slightly webbed fingers and toes. They look a bit like tiny paddles. Your baby is a jumping bean, moving in fits and starts. His liver is churning out large amounts of red blood cells until the bone marrow forms and takes over this role. At seven weeks, your baby enters a very busy stage. Between now and 20 weeks, he will grow rapidly. Body parts that formed in the first few weeks of life, such as the heart and brain, will become more specialized and complicated. He now has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. Tooth buds, palate and tongue are forming, while his ears continue to develop and eyelids are starting to cover his eyes. Your baby’s skin is paper thin, and veins are clearly visible. 
When I look at your picture I think I can see your little hands and legs. I think I also see the outline of your nose. I hope you take after Daddy in that area! According to your ultrasound you are now 0.99 cm long. This is your CRL (crown to rump length), meaning the length from your head to your bottom. You will be measured this way for several more weeks because your legs will be curled up for some time!

Keep busy growing and stay healthy! We are excited to see you but we know you have a lot of growing to do so we will patiently wait for you! 

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